luni, 19 octombrie 2009
O simpla idee!
Ce ar fi, ca pentru o luna, o saptaman, o zi, sa incetati a va inchina lordului divin? Asa, sa traiti cu ideea ca nu exista "un creator atotstiutor". Pe multi ii deranjeaza o astfel de idee, pe putini ii bucura, si pe foarte putini ii lasa indiferenti(din pacate). Nu doresc sa fiu privit ca un eretic modern, ca un blasfemiator sau mai stiu eu ce insulte a nascocit religia. Doresc sa luati in considerare aceasta idee, si mai ales, sa o puneti in practica. Va intriga faptul ca dupa moartea "trupeasca" nu va ramane decat o amintire intiparita in mintea urmasilor vostri, pe multi ii nelinisteste. Aici intervine divinul, care, se presupune, ii ofera o viata mai buna dupa acest sfarsit(multi il privesc ca pe un inceput). Acest divin "ajuta" oamenii sa treaca peste greselile cancane ale vietii lor privind asupra lui ca un zeu a carui grija este buna-starea cetatenilor statului X. Oare, daca in acea luna, saptamana, zi ati dedica timpul inchinarii zeului vostru si l-ati canaliza spre inchinarea la... eu stiu, o carte. Probabil ca si cartea aceea ar prinde puteri supra naturale daca milioane de oameni ar crede cu tarie in ea. Va rog a ma scuza daca ati ajuns pana aici si simtiti ca v-am irosit timpul, regretele mele sunt alaturi de dumneavoastra. Dar(intotdeauna este acest "dar"), tinta la care am vrut sa bat este urmatoarea; nu sunt deranjat de oamenii crestini si nici de monumentele/ofrandele aduse acestui zeu. Ce ma nelinisteste e, in schimb, limitele asupra omenirii pe care aceasta (daca imi permite-ti sa-i spun asa) "doctrina" le impune. Intr-adevar, unele dintre aceste limite sunt de bun-simt si maniere, dar pentru a te supune acestora nu e nevoie de a crede in ceva, e de a actiuna cumva. Cat despre celalalte limite, din pacate ingradesc si pun frane in calea marilor descoperiri si tehnologiei, cat si a experientelor personale noi acestea fiind "interzise" de codul divin. Inca odata(ma repet, voluntar), va rog macar pentru o zi sa uitati de existenta imaginara a "creatorului" si canalizati-va atentia asupra dumneavoastra. Ca o ultima idee, daca alegeti a urma calea crestinitatii, va rog(eu si multe alte chipuri bisericesti) fi-ti pana la capat, fi-ti adevarati, pentru ca in calea mea intra foarte multi pseudocrestini a caror minte e total bulversata. Va doresc o zi placuta, independenta si libera(atat sociala, cat si mentala)
joi, 3 septembrie 2009
I'm all over my heart's desires
fockin' long time since i haven't been writing. it's always this way, heh. what can i say, i write when i feel the need. as to say, this past few days i've enjoyed the life of the casual gamer. rly, casual as i could be, ending up to 6 games in less than 5 days. I really enjoyed them, some new as Dead Space, some old as Crysis. All in all, a good time, a time rly loved departing from the hardcore scene of DotA and from all the WAR that's been going on around here. Btw, i'm in a fockin' faculty now, it's informathics:). Ye, not the way i planned, but it's good... really good. New? nothing. Old? everything. Bye lads!
miercuri, 18 februarie 2009
am I Ulysses?
Am I Jesus? Who the fuck knows, mb my father did but it's too late for him to inform me. Again, a long time has been running around since my last post, but nothings new... or mb it is. I love Franz Ferdinand's new song "Ulysses". The same hardcore gamer you know for some years, the same old me. But i found a new way; that would be the extreme daredevil stunts that the Jackass and Dirty Sanchez team are performing. Mb one day i'll be as famous as they are, either by this or by the way of the gamer. Tbh i've been thinking in the last days about getting... uhm, a girlXD. But fortunately, the gamer inside prevailed, proving once again that my gaming instincts are the very foundation of my daily life. What else can I say? Search youtube for Franz Ferdinand - Ulysses :)
joi, 11 septembrie 2008
Stein um Stein!
I feel more and more atracted to Rammstein, the band that made me listen to rock. It's been quite a time since i've listened to them, but it's ok. i'm back at the roots. and maybe i'll get the chance to rebuild my musical senses again, and probably i'm going to be a metalhead again(althou' i'm not sure that's what i want). A lot of people tell me that i should have a break out of DotA, but i keep on playing. i really don't know what's in my mind, is it good or is it bad, bud right now, it's the best fucking thing that i can do. so, when you're feeling down or you're not in the mood, just play DotA :)
marți, 2 septembrie 2008

i'm quite sure that my future will be set on by this years actions. i'm 2 weeks away from the graduating year and i feel like it's going to be the end of my life(strange, i never felt that way). all in all, i think it's just the "Bac" nightmare that haunts me every day... and what faculty should i chose? should i follow the path of informatics or should i go on my own, and built a political carrier? there are some questions that i think only time will tell, but i'm quite anctious about the answers.
btw - my musical tastes haven't changed too much(well, i can delete heavy,glam,rap and shits like that from the list), i just enjoy listening to a lot of jazz and hardcore/metalcore(but, my dressing manners have changed as well).
is this life?
some recent past events have forced us(me and my mother) to live together again. teh context is quite sad, it's really depressing, but as many said, i was HIS pride, and i will work and fight so that i will be the pride of HIM hence forth. i will continue the tradition of "Crisan" family, i will fight for national unity, for my future and for a safe-Romanian contry. i can assure you that he will not be forgiven, his name and life will be forever in my mind. it's just, i'm quite confused right now, i don't know which path should i take, wether i should let it all flow or fight for everything(because, as in the past, i'm an atheist and i believe only in me, not in any type of god). anyway, a new life has began, it's like a rebirth to me, i really feel like i will arise like a phoenix from the ashes.
just a gamer

well, not quite. in fact, i've been playing A LOT since i haven't been writing. i think it's a good way, i got really tired going day by day thru' the same stuff. now i can say i enjoy my time, i really am good at the game that i am playing. ok, ok, some of you might have guessed it, it's DotA(known as "Defence of the Ancients"). you might say it's just a map(or mod) for WC3, but for me, it's much more. The map(mod) got a lot of popularity, i could say even more than WC3. the concept started in SC - BW with the map Aeons of Strife. it was a good map that everyone was enjoying that time, but eh, times change. the map has been exposed to some radical changes, and now, all hard-core gamers like me enjoy it to the core. it's great! i feel very well when i'm playing it, and i have big plans, and as a surplus, i really don't feel like going back to my ex-life.
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